2015Events, PEACE & HARMONY



on 29th December 2015

In 2015 a convergence was held in Kandy representing all communities to mark the initiation of our Campaign Centre calling for religious harmony.  As the annual highlight of the CRDSL, we organized a national unity assembly in Kandy on 29th December 2015. This occasion was graced by around 600 citizens and inter religious leaders. The guest of honor was the Assistant Indian High Commissioner, Mrs Radha Venkataraman. In addition to the Mrs Venkataraman, Mr Lal Wijenayake, the Chairman of the Public Representations Committee on Constitutional Reforms, and several other political and religious leaders graced the event.  Addressing the occasion, Mrs Venkataraman stressed the importance of Ahimsa (non-violence) as practiced by Mahatma Gandi of India. There were number of cultural items that depicted the importance of religious tolerance in Sri Lanka performed by children from arts schools in Kandy. Also there was an event presented by a group of differently abled children.
